The generated J2EE application is provided the same way a toaster is provided - to be used as an appliance, and is not intended to be manually extended, embedded in or be a part of something else.
How the system is constructed is relevant only for programmatic interest, and an architectural summary will be provided for this purpose only.
Similarily to a toaster that is provided solely for making toast, the generated application is provided to manage transactional information according to the defined data model, and to behave according to the defined attributes.
Each successfull invocation of the Generator results in four downloadable files :
File Name | Purpose |
[project-name].war | Your generated application .war file, to be deployed to your Tomcat 9 instance |
[project-name].sql | The database and database objects creation script, to be run by the sql administrator on the mySQL server that is hosting your application database |
jgsec.war | The JGSEC security application .war file, to be deployed to your Tomcat 9 instance. This will manage users and security for the Tomcat instance, as well as all your Foolproof Coding applications deployed to the same Tomcat instance |
jgsec.sql | The JGSEC database and object creation script, to be run by the sql administrator on the mySQL server that is hosting your JGSEC database |
Multiple generated applications from Foolproof Coder can be hosted on the same Tomcat instance, and user security for all will be managed from the single provided Security Manager.