Field Creation

Field Name Constraint Description
Parent Table Read Only The table to which the field belongs
Field Alias Alphanumeric, lower case, underscore The field display name as presented on the user interface forms
Field Default Alphanumeric, lower case, underscore Default value of field if row creation form value is empty
Required Radio list If the user must enter a value, or the field cannot be empty
Field Type Radio list The data type of the field
Field Size Radio list The size allocation of the field in the underlying table
Decimal Precision Radio list For numeric fields only. Setting a value here implicitly defines a numeric field as decimal, with the pecified number of deciaml places
Nullable Radio list Permit null values in the underlying data table column
On Audit Radio list The contents of the row will be written to the audit table is this field changes. This parameter is overridden to FALSE if the table definition is set to HAS_AUDIT=FALSE
On Procedure Insert Radio list This field is present on the insert stored procedure for the underlying table. Setting this to FALSE will omit the field from the NEW form
On Procedure Select Radio list This field is present on the select stored procedure for the underlying table. Setting this to FALSE will omit the field from the SHOW form
On Procedure Update Radio list This field is present on the update stored procedure for the underlying table. Setting this to FALSE will omit the field from the EDIT form
On DB View Radio list This field is present on the underlying table view. Setting this to FALSE will omit the field from the SEARCH form
Subform Key Radio list This field is the key column of the child table for whom this table is the parent
Is Select Radio list Present this field as a drop list on the user interface
Is Radio Radio list Present this field as a radio list on the user interface
Is Read Only Radio list This field is displayed as read only on all screens
Select Source Key alphanumeric, underscore Set this parameter when this field is displayed as a drop list or radio buttons. The key is the unique identifier of the table from which the drop list or radio field drives it's values. For sourcing from a generated table, it is allways row_id.
Value Column alphanumeric, underscore Set this parameter when this field is displayed as a drop list or radio buttons. The value is the column name from the table from which the drop-list or radio field derives it's values
Select Source alphanumeric, underscore The name of the table or view as source for the list this field represents
Source Base Table alphanumeric, underscore The name of the table as basis of the view if "Select Source" is a view name, else it should be the table name in "Select Source"
Order By alphanumeric, underscore The name of the column to order by for search results
Parent Filtered Radio list If the field content is limited to values occuring only in it's parent table
Where Clause alphanumeric, underscore space and single quote The where clause limiting the parent filter
On Search Radio list This field will occur on the search form for the underlying data table
On New Radio list This field will occur on the data entry form for the underlying data table
On Edit Radio list This field will occur on the data edit form for the underlying data table
On List Radio list This field will occur on the result list after search on the uderlying data table
On Show Radio list This field will occur on the show form for the underlying data table row
List Editable Radio list Indicates if this field is editable-in-place on search results. Overriden to FALSE if the table is defined with LIST_EDIT=FALSE
Lock on Multi Edit Radio list The field contents are locked in mulit-edit mode. Edit is not permitted after the row is created
Lock on Edit Radio list The field contents are locked after initial record creation. Edit is not permitted after the row is created
Created By Read Only User name of row creator
Last Updated By Read Only User name that last modified the row
Creation Date Read Only Timestamp of table row creation
Modified Date Read Only Timestamp of last table row data edit